
Playtester Name: Yuen Hoang 

Playtest Date : 9/30/2020

What were your favorite moments of the game?

  • The second level feels very good to play; the overall controls for the game are smooth, and the difficulty spike for Level 2 feels very appropriate! I think that difficulty spike is just right, and I think having that balance is equal. 

Where do you see room for improvement?

  • Change the difficulty of level 3 - it feels a little too easy in comparison to the second level.  I think integrating more movement would up the difficulty, and combine the first level with the final level’s mechanic, and tie it up with a nice bow!    

When did you stop playing and why?

  • I stopped playing at the third level, because that’s when the game ended! The frustration level was very low for me, as I stayed on screen- but I think that the issue Connor ran into with getting destroyed off screen would definitely be something to look into. 

Was there anything related to the interface or controls that was hard

to understand?

  • I think that the controls are fine! They feel good to play, and the only issue I ran into was sticky keys kept activating because I would hit shift. 

Was there anything related to the mechanics that was hard to understand?

  • With instructions, I think the game will become fairly clear. 

Was there anything related to the art, or sound that was hard to understand?

  • Art was great, and I think there was a clear visual narrative. 

Do you have any other feedback that you would like the designer to hear?

  • Nope! Looking forward to the final product! 

Playtester Name: Connor
Playtest Date : 9/30/20

What were your favorite moments of the game?

The second level's challenge made me repeat it several times. The jump in difficulty made me much more interested and invested.

Where do you see room for improvement?

All three levels need constraints on their edges, either through wrapping or with hard walls.
Clearly explaining the goals, and the controls, at each level would be helpful.
Level two you only score points for eliminating the words, not the eyes. Since the eyes are much harder to hit, perhaps a greater reward would be a good incentive.
Level three was the hardest to test as I would win and then not have the option to test again without playing levels 1 and 2 again. There is an issue we discussed where the character is destroyed by the left side of the screen on level 3, this results in an auto win as you are not in existence to take bites.

When did you stop playing and why?

After finishing level 3, a few times. I'm a winner.

Was there anything related to the interface or controls that was hard
to understand?

Without instructions, knowing what keys to use, and noticing how they counter the specific enemies was tricky.

Was there anything related to the mechanics that was hard to understand?

On level three the visual indicator between the two enemy types is unclear.

Was there anything related to the art, or sound that was hard to understand?

I really like the background art, I didn't hear any sound. Perhaps level 3 enemy art could be updated to have the difference made more clear?

Do you have any other feedback that you would like the designer to hear?

Overall this is in a really good place. The art is original and fun, the mechanics are mostly intuitive, and the play loop is compelling. 

Playtester Name: Chang

Playtester Date: 10/4/20

What were your favorite moments of the game?

It was really great to have a little story and narrations in the game and it was very well delivered! The art in the game is so beautiful.

Where do you see room for improvement?

I don't think I heard any sound during the game?

When did you stop playing and why?

I didn’t stop.

Was there anything related to the interface or controls that was hard

to understand?

I thought the interface was really well designed! 

Stage 2 was a little difficult for me, it took me a while to get used to it. However, I enjoyed the difficulty of stage 2. It's a personal opinion, but I thought the movement of the main character could be a little faster? because on stage 2, once the eyes and roaring passed me, since they have the same speed as me, there is nothing much I can do. 

Was there anything related to the mechanics that was hard to understand?


Was there anything related to the art, or sound that was hard to understand?

Art looks great. Especially the naked character! The color palette is harmonious.

I didn’t hear any sounds.

Get Naked and Afraid

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